Tuesday, 6 July 2010

ORRCA Whale Census Day

Wendy, Vicki and keen members of the public counting Humpback whales from the Ruined Lighthouse Booderee National Park, Jervis Bay.

Although it was a very, very cold day, we had over 400 guests visit the park. 

We were also lucky to have the privilege of spending the day with Julie, Marley and other members from Booderee National Park.  Not only do they serve tea, coffee, hot milo and Barry's wonderful damper, but they provide an informal cultural talk on indigenous people and their connection with whales.

Trust me when I say that you have never experienced damper until you try Barry's!

Three Humpback whales.

Each animal's dorsal is unique.

This particular whale will be easily identified by, not only his unique dorsal fin, but also the large white marking on his flank.

If you look closely, this whale has what appears to be rake marks (from an Orca perhaps) or maybe marks from a propeller injury?  Can you spot the second whale?

Thank goodness for a 400mm lens!  The top right hand corner of this pic is where we would initially see the first blow or blows! 

If you are an avid bird watcher, you can see numerous species, and we are always lucky to see a number of sea eagles!


Samantha Marshall said...

Great photos, Janine!!

Janine Davies said...

Thanks Samantha! It was a great, albeit cold day!


ces magnifique oiseaux me font rêver et c'est un petit exploit que de les photographier.



Quel spectacle que ces baleines venant à la surface de la mer. J'imagine que c'est inoubliable. Je ne les connais que par la télévision et je suis absolument contre la chasse à la baleine de la façon dont elle se présente. e soutiens les actions de Greenpeace qui se mettent en travers de ces massacres !

Bel été à toi,
